function HomeScreen() {
return (
<Text> Hello World 👋 🌍!</Text>
Written in JavaScript, rendered with native code. React primitives render to native platform UI, meaning your app uses the same native platform APIs other apps do.
, Text
, and Image
that map directly to the platform's native UI building blocks.Create stack, modal, drawer, and tab screens with minimal boilerplate using your filesystem.
Generate native changes or write your own native code. Use over 50 modules to create your app.
Get started quickly with Expo Go, then continue with expo-dev-client: a module that adds Expo’s tools to apps that require native changes.
Meta released React Native in 2015 and has been maintaining it ever since.
In 2018, React Native had the 2nd highest number of contributors for any repository in GitHub. Today, React Native is supported by contributions from individuals and companies around the world including Callstack, Expo, Infinite Red, Microsoft and Software Mansion.
Our community is always shipping exciting new projects and exploring platforms beyond Android and iOS with repos like React Native Windows, React Native macOS and React Native Web.
React Native is being used in thousands of apps, but it's likely you've already used it in one of these apps:
and many more.